Tuesday, July 23, 2013


A. Pengertian Descriptive Text

Dalam artian luas, Description, seperti dijelaskan oleh Kane (2000: 352), diartikan seperti pada kalimat di bawah ini :
Description is about sensory experience—how something looks, sounds, tastes. Mostly it is about visual experience, but description also deals with other kinds of perception.
Jadi, jika disimpulkan dari penjelasan Kane di atas, tulisan deskriptif bermakna teks yang menjelaskan tentang pengalaman yang berhubungan dengan pancaindera, seperti apa bentuknya, suaranya, rasanya. Kebanyakan teks deskriptif memang tentang pengalaman visual, tapi nyatanya pengalaman selain dari indera penglihatanpun bisa digunakan dalam descriptive text.

Namun secara khusus, descriptive text adalah, "...... is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing."[teks yang menjelaskan gambaran seseorang atau benda. Tujuannya adalah mengambarkan atau mengungkapkan orang, tempat atau benda tertentu]

Jadi, bisa dikatakan bahwa descriptive text ini adalah teks yang menjelaskan tentang seperti apakah orang atau suatu benda dideskripsikan, baik bentuknya, sifat-sifatnya, jumlahnya dan lain-lain.

B. Tujuan Komunikatif Descriptive Text

Tujan Komunikatif dari Descriptive Text adalah untuk menggambarkan dan mengungkapkan ciri-ciri dari benda, tempat, atau mahluk tertentu secara umum, tenpa adanya riset atau peneilitan secara mendalam dan menyuluruh.

C. Generic Structure Descriptive Text

Di setiap Descriptive Text terdapat dua bagian yang menjadi ciri dari Descriptive Text itu sendiri. Kedua bagian tersebut adalah:
1. Identification 
Idnetification adalah bagian dari Descriptive Text yang berisi tentang topik atau "apa" yang akan digambarkan atau dideskripsikan.
2. Description 
Description adalah bagian terakhir dari Descriptive Text yang berisi tentang pembahasan atau penggambaran tentang topik atau "apa" yang ada di Identification mengenai kenampakan fisik, kualitas, perilaku umum maupun sifat-sifatnya.
D. Ciri Kebahasan Descriptive Text
1.  Descriptive Text menggunakan Present Tense, misalnya: go, eat, fly, etc.  

2. Descriptive Text menggunakan berbagaimacam Adjectives (kata sifat) yang bersifatDescribing (mengambarkan), Numbering (Menomerkan), dan Classifying(mengklasifikasikan), misalnya: two strong legs, sharp white fangs, etc.  

3. Descriptive Text menggunakan Relating Verbs untuk memberikan informasi tentang subjek, misalnya: my mum is realy cool, it has very thick fur, etc.  

4. Descriptive Text menggunakan Thinking Verbs (kata kerja berfikir, seperti belive, think, etc.) dan Feeling Verbs (kata kerja perasa, seperti feel)untuk mengungkapkan pandangan pribadi penulis tentang subjek, misalnya: police believe the suspect is armed, I think it is a clever animal, etc.  

5. Descriptive Text juga menggunakan Adverbs (kata keterangan) untuk memberikan informasi tambahan mengenai perilaku atau sifat (Adjective) yang dijelaskan, misalnya: it is extremely high, it runs definitely past, etc.

E. Contoh Teks Discriptive

My Mother

Every people certainly have a mother. Because people was born from her.  The existence of her among us is definitely important. That is why I love her so much. I owe great debt to what she has been doing to me until right now. I love you, mom.

(Setiap manusia pastinya memiliki seorang ibu. Karena manusia lahir darinya. Kehadirannya diantara kita sungguh sangat penting. Itu lah mengapa saya sangat mencitainya. Saya berhutang banyak pada apa yang dia lakukan sampai sekarang ini. Saya cinta ibu.)

My mother's name is Khodijah. She was born 49 years ago. She is short, but not too short. She is little fat. And she is old. She has got short white straight hair. She has got brown skin. She is beautiful. Her hand is so soft, the hand that have taught me to be kind person.

(Ibu saya bernama Khodijah. Beliau lahir 49 tahun yang lalu. Beliau pendek, tetapi tidak begitu pendek. Beliau sedikit gemuk. Dan beliau sudah tua. Beliau memiliki rambut putih pendek yang lurus. Beliau memiliki kulit coklat. Beliau cantik. Tanganya begitu lembut, tangat yang telah mengajarkan saya untuk menjadi orang yang baik.)

She never stops to support me. She always tells me to not give up so easily. She always gives me some fine solutions when I have some problems. The importance of her is never denied. That is why I never reject her willing.

(Beliau tidak pernah berhenti mendukung saya. Beliau selau memberitahu saya untuk tidak menyerah dengan gampang. Beliau selalu memberi saya beberapa solusi bijak ketika saya menghadapi beberapa masalah. Pentingya beliau tidak pernah terelaknya. Itu lah mengapa saya tidak pernah menolak keinginannya.)

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Holistic Education
Education is a fundamental process of life. No human beings are able to survive properly without education.  Education tells us how to think, how to work properly, how to make decision. Education is not just a matter of training the mind. Training makes for efficiency, but it does not bring about completeness. The training of a human mind is not complete without education. Only because of education a man are able to receive information from the external humanity, to inform him with past and receive all essential information concerning the present. Knowledge and efficiency are necessary, which brings up by education.
Education is one of the important factors which formulate the persona of a person. Education is a productive and beneficial factor in a person’s life. It is everyone’s right to get. In a phenomenon, most people argue that education is just emphasized on intelligent or brain. The intelligence is just measured from how clever the students toward the lesson without seeing their attitude, character, and moral. Without care with what they have done, of course that is so essential in education to build the students’ character. There are so many young generation or teenagers do not able to handle their emotion in facing real life. They do anything without care if it is right or wrong. From the phenomena we are as teachers have to build the students’ good character including their intelligent based on the norm and moral. The character and intelligent are the main points to cover the students based on holistic education. According Ron Miller, founder of the journal Holistic Education Review in Wikipedia, the term of holistic education is philosophy of education based on the premise that each person finds identity, meaning, and purpose in life through connections to the community, to the natural world, and to humanitarian values such as compassion and peace. It refers to the more democratic and humanistic types of alternative education. It aims to call forth from people an intrinsic reverence for life and a passionate love of learning. From the definition above the holistic education focuses on designing the knowledge based on comprehension of the information got by students. Holistic education emphasized on the students’ active in learning. The students will be more active if all their own whether mind, body and soul are involved in their experience. Holistic education is also comprehended with the students’ need and their potential aspect including their intelligent, emotional, art, physic and spiritual. So the learning strategy should be emphasized on how to learn and how the one learned. The students are expected to get the good choice by developing their character and emotion through learning to be. The school should be created as an effective place to achieve the goal of learning between learners and teachers.
The main purpose of holistic education is to develop individual potential become the more enjoyable in learning and interaction with the environment. It is because develop students’ character and emotional. So the foundation of education must be mastered by teacher because the education is normative, it is closed with philosophy and holistic. The holistic education and philosophy need each other because holistic education can be approached from the philosophy or we can say the holistic education is a part of philosophy can not separate each other. The philosophy in holistic education will create a framework in processing knowledge. It can produce the knowledge not contradict with the moral, ethic, and morality because the philosophy will lead the education in the right way.
There are various educational ideology in philosophy has been found by the philosophers, for instance idealism, realism, and pragmatism. However in Indonesia we have Pancasila as the fundamental of educational of philosophy. The Pancasila will strengthen the philosophy of education.
In terms of the various educational ideologies, the philosophy has a job to guide and develop the educational theory become knowledge or pedagogic. The philosophy will be the good fundamental in developing the educational system based on character building and create the value.  The value which arise in philosophy relate with holistic education can be forming the habit of think critically toward the human life problems, and giving comprehension to solve the problems.  So here we can conclude that the holistic education in philosophy is needed to solve the educational problems. It is because the educational problems need philosophy to handle it. The problems are the aim of education based on the life of human being aims and value as guidance of life. Value and aims of life can not approach with science but it must be used philosophy. Philosophy in education will work by a thought method of radical, systematically, and whole of education which categorized into three models speculative, perspective and analytic. The application of the model with contribute to the education than make it balance. The philosophy of education leads us to formulate the purpose and educational policy which emphasized on four goals namely the result of study, variation of experience and process, comprehend the life, universal truth in the past.      
The approach of holistic education toward students at school can be related to religion. The approach of religion toward holistic can construct the educational theory based on religion containing with belief and the value of life. The approach of religion is different than philosophy where the philosophy tends to mind, but in religion based on belief. The approach of religion guide us to believe with anything have been taught in religion the next step is we know or comprehend about it. So the main is belief first and understand the second. Based on the purpose of Islamic education, world conference on Muslim education stated that education should aim at balanced growth of the total personality of man through man’s spirit, intelligent, the rational self, feelings and bodily sense. Education should cater for the growth of man in all its aspects, spirituals, intellectual, imaginative, physical, scientific, linguistic, linguistic, both individually and collectively, and motivate all these aspects toward goodness and attainment of perfection. The ultimate aims of Muslim education lies in the realization of complete submission to Allah on the level of individual, the community and humanity at the large. Meanwhile the Islamic education has rule to make one to have good physic, intelligent, and God fearing to Allah.  
In education based on religion asked teachers to build students character in learning. It is because the religion can make conducive learning community in acting the good, loving the good and knowing the good. It also derives students to be someone who has good value in the society. In Islam, the educational system must build the good character of students and based on the good things, such as love Allah, trust, honesty, respect, responsibility, loyalty, discipline, obedience, love, caring, generosity, cooperation, justice, fairness, leadership, kindness, tolerance, creativity, unity and confidence. The value must be covered because that is relation between holistic education and religion. In conducting the class the teacher also can put good input in teaching process as a model of holistic education based on religion. At the beginning the teachers start the class with prayer and reciting Qur’an. That is as habit in my school before start the lesson. Then in the learning process the teachers should use good words in explaining the lesson in order to attract the students’ attention and comprehend well the lesson. And at the last the class will end with prayer. All of activities at school must integrate between religion and education because it can create the lifelong learners who has good mental and character. In this modern era we are really need education based on akhlaq because the degeneration moral of young generation is worried about. The sensitivity and the awareness of akhlaq or education based on religion is needed to force the bad effect of globalization toward young generation.          

Hai orang-orang yang beriman, peliharalah dirimu dan keluargamu dari api neraka yang bahan bakarnya adalah manusia dan batu; penjaganya malaikat-malaikat yang kasar, keras, dan tidak mendurhakai Allah terhadap apa yang diperintahkan-Nya kepada mereka dan selalu mengerjakan apa yang diperintahkan.(At-tahrim;6)
O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are [appointed] angels, harsh and severe; they do not disobey Allah in what He commands them but do what they are commanded

   So the approach of religion and philosophy toward holistic education is different. It is because philosophy just based on intelligent or mind while religion based on believe. 

Saturday, June 8, 2013


Language is the most important thing for people as a means of communication. It is a valuable instrument of thought dealing with verbal and non-verbal interaction patterns. When people interact with others in society at anytime and anywhere certainly they must use a language. Without  a  language,  people will  find  some  troubles  when  they  do  their  activities and toward the others. There is no society without a language. In this world we have numerous languages which are different then another. We are able to connect with language community and transferring anything with it. It makes the role of a language among the people in this life is very crucial. The language helps people to show their perspective concerning something in a multitude of situation. How somebody distinguish concept broadly concern to his or her language proficiency. It is including of reading, listening, writing, and speaking. What we say or write is heavily influenced by what we hear and we listen.
Language processing refers to the way human beings use words to communicate ideas and feelings, and how such communications are processed and understood. In communication, human being produces any words which have been stored in the brain. The interaction between the words and its process in the brain happened completely or it is called as mental lexicon. In the mental lexicon words are organized in terms of their phonology, syntax, semantics and other linguistic aspects happen into complex structure. The linguistic aspects of the mental lexicon are reflected in the structure of speech and contribute to the development of new mental lexicons. Need long time to develop the words because the process is complex. According to Caplan (1992) there are four models of language processing, first, the way in which the linguistic structures are active by each processor needs to be specified. For instance, the forms of words may be listed and searched for as separate entries in a mental dictionary. Second, most processors are obligatorily active when their inputs are presented to them. Third, language processors generally operate unconsciously. Fourth, components of the system operate remarkably quickly and accurately. The four models of language processing had shown a complex system between one system and another. The complex words will be stored in the mind where in the brain the processing of information occurs. The mental space where this phenomenon occurs has been called the mental lexicon. The mental lexicon is a complex system of the mind that allow human to access information in a variety of ways. By having an efficient and effective mental lexicon can improve vocabulary acquisition.
In every level of human’s age the language can be seen differently between fast and slow. In the child level where the process of acquiring the language happens firstly, sometimes a number of children are able to produce the language quickly. They are able to store many indexes in brain and processing the vocabulary into speaking.  During this period, children need enough nutrition to keep their memory. It is because the age is called as the golden age where in the age what they eat has a great contribution to acquire the language. The ability of brain to acquire the words in the age will influence to their fluency in daily interaction. Meanwhile the fluency will effect to their knowledge. We can say that the limit of someone’s knowledge refers to the limit of his or her acquire the language. In another phenomenon a number of children are slowly to develop the index. It can make them disturbance in speaking to the others and in the next age they will a bit hard to find appropriate word in interaction with the others. The disturbance of producing words and sound mostly happen in the child where the problem relates to the neurological system and motorist factor in the brain does not work well. The problem has a great relation between the speed and neurological factor to develop the speech. I believe that the fluency of people in developing their language tends to how much words they stored in the brain in the golden age. It is because in the child age all information can obtain and absorb. If it is not optimized effectively it will influence to the language competence. At the first this paper will explain about the process of acquiring the language in the brain deals with the mental lexicon and the obstacle in developing the words based on the age level. It also tells us the mental lexicon toward development of age.

Brain is a central of human nervous system controls all function of the whole body. The brain contains about a hundred billion brain cells that are connected into functioning networks. By the time a child, some of these connections become permanent, while others disappear as the child grows. The brain works systematically make the process of each part of body unite very well. The brain also has important role to human survival where in the brain all the process is conducted by two sides. They are the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere. Both sides have significant position in the complex organ. Especially in the left hemisphere has essential contribution to the human language ability. The development of language in the brain deals with how active someone stored the words where the development has a meaning of encouraging the function of motorist system toward the language ability. In the lexicon context, the words have to be able to be pronounced and they have to be acquired by speakers. The representations of the lexicon have to be stored in the brain in such a way that there are connections between the different aspects of a single word as well as over whole categories of words. The construction of the word will allow people to communicate with the others. This indicates that the lexicon is allowing us to access words in terms of syntactic category, phonological characteristics and meaning among others.
The words process in brain. The process will determine what the words will produce based on the complexity of the language stored in the brain. In acquiring the words brain has memory which develops words into short tem memories and long term memories. In short term memories the process occurs at the front of the brain not in the deep area. For instance you know the name someone whom you have just met. While in long term memory you may have a memory of your best friend's wedding as a unit rather than several separate memories of the parts like how about the people who were present, how the party was going on, what dishes are served, and anyone you meet at that time. In brain scans, the scientists looked at different regions of the brain light up when someone remembers an episode from memory, showing how memories represents an index of the records of different sensations and thoughts. The memory itself depends on the relationship between brain cells or the neurons and combination of memory. So if you hear a piece of music you may be flooded with the memories of others that you associate with a particular episode where you hear the same music.
All normal human newborns are capable of learning any human language. It relates to speech perception, processing and production. So the fluency of people in language reflects by how many words are stored in the brain. The fluency of people in speaking is influenced by the language development in the brain. In the brain there is systematical processes show us the stages of producing human language based on the age from the basic level to the advance. In the normal child the language development is so complete, where it is from how he or she vocalizes the intonation until the complex sentences.
Child age is seen as an essential moment to develop the language competence. It will give positive contribution to the human if in the child age the parents optimizing the child’s brain work. It is because the ability to absorb much information at the first age is advanced. In speaking ability most children begin speaking during their second year. They know at least 50 words and to be combining them in short phrases. In the next step of age they learn how to create, and maintain, larger language units such as conversation. In the following table shows us the language development of childhood;     
Age of Child
Typical Language Development
6 Months
·      Cries in different ways to say “I’m hurt, wet, hungry, or lonely.”
·      Makes noises to voice displeasure or satisfaction
·      Babbles
·      Recognizes and looks for familiar voices and sounds.
12 Months
·      Waves bye-bye.
·      Responds to name.
·      Understands names of some familiar objects.
·      Shows interest in picture books.
·      Pays attention to conversation.
·      Says first word (maybe).
·      Babbles expressively as if talking.
·      Says “Da-da” and “Ma-ma”
18 Months
·      Identifies family members and familiar objects.
·      Points to a few body parts such as nose, ears.
·      Follows simple, one-step instructions.
·      Says two or more words.
·      Imitates familiar noises like cars, planes, birds.
·      Repeats a few words.
·      Looks at person talking.
·      Says “Hi” or “Bye” if reminded.
·      Uses expressions like “Oh-oh.”
·      Asks for something by pointing or using one word.
·      Identifies an object in a picture book.
2 Years
·      Says about 50 words, but can understand many more.
·      Echoes single words that are spoken by someone else.
·      Talks to self and jabbers expressively.
·      Says names of toys and familiar objects.
·      Uses two to three word sentences like “Daddy bye-bye,” “All gone.”
·      Hums or tries to sing simple songs.
·      Listens to short rhymes or fingerplays.
·      Points to eyes, ears, or nose when asked.
·      Uses the words “Bye,” “Hi,” “Please,” and “Thank you” if prompted.
3 years
·      Identifies up to 10 pictures in a book when objects are named.
·      Uses simple phrases and sentences.
·      Responds when called by name.
·      Responds to simple directions.
·      Starts to say plural and past tense words.
·      Enjoys simple stories, rhymes, and songs.
·      Uses two- to three-word sentences.
·      Enjoys looking at books.
·      Points to eyes, ears, or nose when asked.
·      Repeats words spoken by someone else.
·      Vocabulary expands up to 500 words.
4 years
·      Talks so 75 to 80 percent of speech is understandable.
·      Says own first and last name.
·      Understands location words like over, under, on, and in.
·      Understands now, soon, and later.
·      Asks who, what, where, and why questions.
·      Talks in complete sentences of 3 to 5 words: “Mommy is drinking juice.” “There’s a big dog.”
·      Stumbles over words sometimes—usually not a sign of stuttering.
·      Enjoys repeating words and sounds over and over.
·      Listens attentively to short stories and books.
·      Likes familiar stories told without any changes in words.
·      Enjoys listening to stories and repeating simple rhymes.
·      Enjoys telling simple stories from pictures or books.
·      Likes to sing and can carry a simple tune.
·      Recognizes common everyday sounds.
·      Identifies common colors such as red, blue, yellow, green.
5 years
·      Recognizes some letters if taught and may be able to print own name.
·      Recognizes familiar words in simple books or signs (STOP sign, fast food signs).
·      Speaks in fairly complex sentences—“The baby ate the cookie before I could put it on the table.”
·      Enjoys singing simple songs, rhymes, and nonsense words.
·      Adapts language to listener’s level of understanding. To baby sister: “Daddy go bye-bye.” To mother: “Daddy went to the store.”
·      Learns name, address, and phone number if taught.
·      Asks and answers who, what, why, where, and what if questions.
·      Names six to eight colors and three shapes.
·      Follows two unrelated directions. “Put your milk on the table and get your coat on.”
·      Likes to talk and carries on elaborate conversations.
·      Likes to shock others by using “forbidden” words.
·      Loves to tell jokes that may not make any sense to adults.
6 Years
·      Speaks with correct grammar and word form.
·      Expresses self in pretend play.
·      Writes first name, some letters, and numbers.
·      Reads simple words.
(Pm-1529f : 2004)

In the table above shows clearly the stages of language processing in the brain. It tells us a period when the child learns to use language and develop ability to think about the abstract concept. The process of mental lexicon in the brain will work normally if no disturbance on the children and the cell of motoric system in the brain not death. The children who got language disorders have lower motorist skills than the normal. The children in the language disorder will hard to explore the language skill because there is a correlation between the motorist disturbance and language development. The coordination of each part of body especially the organ which contributes to the language capacity and oral motor system show us the complex link on producing words and organ activation. In processing of language development, children acquiring a language face two lexical tasks: learning new words and organizing it to uniquely distinguish each word from every other. During this process, children are also learning the phonological system, and it is likely that advances in lexical and phonological development influence one another. Mostly the children learn the initial language from their family. It is the basic words which have important in developing language competent and mental lexicon among them. The development of language on children following some steps which start from paralinguistic steps goes to linguistics. In the linguistic phase the development of words have complex process to make someone advance in acquiring the language. The process deals with in constructing one word, more than one word, sentence, and become complex words or able to distinguish the words. In constructing one word the children will use a word to state their complex thought. We will comprehend their want from looking their face, mimic and gesture. The next step is constructing more than one word, where in this step they are able to make the simple sentence consist of two words. The parent will start to interact with their children in form of simple sentence. Then the last step is the children able to differentiate the words. Here the children will produce and use words in plural form then fluency in interaction. These processes will run normally if the children do not get disorder in developing the language toward daily interaction, for instance the factors are from biology, cognition and environment. The factors influence to developing human’s language capacity and the intelligence level.
Development of language can not be separated with the development of speaking. The language development is influenced by the area where the children grow up. If the children got problem in developing language, the process of producing sound will be disorder. They will hard in communication because the factor of disability in producing sound and less in making concept of language in the brain. In the golden age where the production of language competency is needed to develop, they need more attention to avoid them from language disorder and disability in interaction.  The speech and language disorder show the problem in communication and social interaction which deals with organ speech production. In organ speech production stands million neurological cells which work systematically in the brain controlling the system of human speech. It is different than animal because the human brain cells system arrange complexity including the structure itself. The human brain has ability to understand abstract concept, like being able to understand what love and happiness are, what an alphabet and what words are while the animal brain can not do it. Then human brain is also able to store many languages and thousand of dialects with comprehend the syntax or communicate in complex sentences while the animals just understand the simple words and tones. So the human brain is unlimited and the animal brain is limited.
Early childhood is a time of amazing physical, cognitive, social and mental development. The cognitive abilities associated with memory and thinking. In the childhood the brain is able to acquire much information speedily especially language competence. Chomsky stated in López (2004), that a child acquire and not learn a language because language is acquired without any explicit instruction, that is, nobody teaches the child to talk. So the parent has important role to sets up a repertoire of responses by reinforcing many instances of a response. Meanwhile Skinner argued that parents were very important as reinforcing agents and, therefore, molders of the child’s verbal behavior. There is no doubt that their contribution as providers of linguistic material, on which the child’s cognitive system works, is essential.
The complex neurological structure will trouble if the coordination between the nerve system in the wernicke and memory not working effective. It is because the neurological in the broca system has important role to process of the language. It means that impossible the human will acquire language without brain and its function. For children who are unable to develop their own speech because of physical-motor impairment. The disturbance of language development will make the children disorder in producing language. The developmental language disorder explained by Benson and Haith (2009) in their book where there are three factors contribute to disorder of processing language on children, namely Articulation and expressive dysfluency disorders, Disorders of receptive and expressive language, and Higher-order language syndromes. In terms of Articulation and expressive dysfluency disorders is categorized into phonological (pure articulation) disorder, Dysfluency (stuttering and cluttering), and Verbal dyspraxia. While in Disorders of receptive and expressive language the children will get Phonologic syntactic syndrome, and Verbal auditory agnosia (VAA). And the last term is Higher-order language syndromes categorized into Lexical syntactic syndrome, and Semantic pragmatic syndrome. Those number factors make the mechanism of acquiring language does not work well therefore the children with the disorder are often unable to comprehend anything surround them. There are special treatments for children to make them not getting disorder in expressing the language such as first, detect the cause of the language disturbance. In this approach we have to categorize the language disturbance of children for instance they are less in comprehend or distinguish the sound, less in memory and producing the language. Second, giving a number of approach deals with the process of strengthen receiving language. The process can be behavioral approach and interactive approach. And the last treatment is consulted to the specialist.

Human being has a complete system in the brain created by God (Allah SWT) which is able to store number information. It is larger capacity than the advance computer system. The information will be processed by million neuron cells become what need by human being such as intelligent and language competence. The metal development can be developed since the early childhood. It is because it called as golden age, anything can be acquired anything can be developed in the age. Need for the parents to use the amazing time inserting number abilities to the children in order to make them not getting disturbance especially in producing language for the next age level.